Sunday 6 March 2016

4. Who would be the target audience for your media product?

The target audience to our media product is the 'Under 18 years old' age demographic because a large percentage of audience research came from this age bracket. We rated our film 15 which ensures that it is accessible by the majority of our target audience. 

Sam, the director of our group, produced a mind map imagining a 'typical' member of our target audience: 

It is likely that this average imaginary 16-year-old member of our target audience would watch our film because: 

  • Childish Gambino (Donald Glover), a musician that they "listen to", stars in the film.
  • They "would watch" the film Hitman: Agent 47, a crime/thriller film which inspired the costume of Kaden's character. 
  • They "watch [The Walking Dead] on TV", which contains violence, and Breaking Bad, which contains crime. Killjoy contains these generic thriller conventions, so it directly appeals to this 'typical' imaginary member of our target audience. 
  • They fit our target age bracket ('Under 18 years old.') 

We showed our completed film opening to a few members of our target audience: 

The audience feedback suggests that:

  • most respondents recognised our film opening as a "dramatic" "thriller", which suggests that the genre of our media product is explicit
  • respondents found the split-screen "clever" and "interesting", suggesting that the editing of the film opening was effective in capturing the target audiences's attention.
  • respondents summarised the opening positively, using phrases such as "ambitious, exciting and suspenseful."
  • all respondents said that they wanted to watch the film in the cinema; one interviewee stated that they "want to see what happens", which suggests that our dramatic cliffhanger/plot twist was effective in leaving the audience at the edge of their seats, wanting more. 

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