Tuesday 12 January 2016

Audience research - quantitative data

Above is an age demographic breakdown of the audience for the thriller film SE7EN (1995). It is sourced from IMDb. As you can see, the most popular age bracket for viewers of this particular thriller film is 18-29. On average, viewers aged 18-29 rated the film 8.7/10. However, although the audience for SE7EN was proportionally smaller for viewers aged under 18, their average rating is the highest of the age brackets included -- 8.8. Therefore, this suggests that our intended target audience of under 18 years old is appropriate because this age group is statistically most likely to enjoy our opening sequence. In comparison, viewers aged 30-44 averagely rated the film 8.7, whereas viewers 45+ rated the film 8.2. The graph also shows that the male to female ratio of thriller viewers is approximately 6:1. This suggests that our media product should star male characters, ensuring that our film appeals to a mainly male-based audience. 

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